What is VPAATH?

VPAATH is a pro-active predictive program that can predict a robust Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) derived Health score, simply by inserting a zip code. VPAATH uses AI analysis for pinpointed SDOH as well as health risk factors to formulate an overall SDOH health score, similar to an A-F grading scale. VPAATH bases its analysis on the widely accepted SDOH holistic model, which weighs an individual's health by percentage on Socioeconomic and Physical Environment factors (50%), Health risk behaviors (30%), with the last 20% actually occurring in the Healthcare venue, representing access to care. VPAATH functionality is designed to be both Payer and Provider-facing.

VPAATH predicts SDOH-derived probabilities of:

Why use Zip Code?

Zip code is the MOST important factor for SDOH determination. This is due to the direct nature of the relationship between social determinants, socioeconomic factors and physical environment. SDOH factors don't happen in a vacuum to just one individual; SDOH is the sub-local environment's positive or negative influence on groups of individuals. Overcrowding in housing, poverty and food deserts affect collective groups of people, not just a single person.

A pro-active approach

Pro-active SDOH screening using localized health scores, prior to a member entering the health care system, allows any stakeholder on the continuum to proactively initiate and engage in targeted and tailored interventions.

Predicting SDOH: Proactive vs Reactive approaches

Claims data, while extremely valuable, is after-the-fact data that is collected after a hospitalization, inpatient admission or health crisis occurs. It is reactive. It has difficulty pinpointing members who currently do not use many health services but have a high likelihood of having a major medical event. Identifying these imminent super-users in time to intervene and change their health trajectory improves outcomes, increases quality of life and lowers costs.

VPAATH + VistaSure

VPAATH was originally born out of the need to provide a holistic picture of health to those who were actively screening for chronic disease. Both work separately/modular to achieve each of their goals. Together, they complete the holistic SDOH model and strengthen the analytical insight into each member. For more information, visit